Exhibit A: Crisco Container

Exhibit B: Two Kitchen Aid Mixers in use, at the same time. They said it couldn't be done.
Exhibit C: Kitchen Disaster Area. Call FEMA.
So, who needs two Kitchen Aid mixers, really?
Apparently I do.
It started so simply, I was just making chocolate chip cookies for hubby's Guys' Golf outing to Pinehurst, North Carolina.
Following the advice of Janice Smith, mother of bff Kaye, I was to substitute butter in the Toll House recipe with butter-flavored Crisco. I know, I know, hydrogenated oils...I'm always naysaying them, but her cookies really are amazing...
So a double batch of Toll House cookies needs two sticks of butter. That means two sticks of Crisco, right?
That's actually enough for FOUR batches. Luckily I caught my error before baking and was able to supplement with four times the amount of flour, which left me with nary enough chocolate chips in the dough for a proper cookie. So what did this wifey do? Certainly not send off her husband with a paucity of chips in his cookies...no, he'll be stressed out enough with his putting. Instead, she cut up all the leftover Easter candy to supplement. Off with those chocolate bunny heads!
Next, I pulled out my OTHER Kitchen-Aid mixer, the industrial strength, lawn mower engine-equipped version from M-I-L Teri, and I baked off four big batches of Toll House cookies.
And then I cleaned it all up before dinner. Jeremy says, "They were a hit!" If they only knew...