My husband is a simple man. This is good because I am very complicated. The list of things that Jeremy loves is actually pretty short. It goes something like this:
Things I Know Jeremy Loves (Other than the requisite faith, family, and Furball)
1. Sports
2. Beef in all forms
3. Conservative politics
4. Sleeping in on Saturdays (only Saturdays)
5. Football (wait, I think already said that)
6. White cake (especially the grocery store bakery day-glo variety loaded with high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Shiver. I think he does this on purpose because I won't ask for a bite of that junk!)
7. Coffee
8. Law & Order
9. Rocking chairs
10. 80's hair band rock, especially Guns -n- Roses, which he will argue incessantly is NOT a hair band at all.
Seriously it took me fifteen minutes to come up with that list of ten. Simple man, like I said. I am sure I put more than ten products on my face alone before I leave the house in the morning, and I know I love them all.
Things Jeremy Does Not Love:
5. Technology
4. Open-ended questions
3. Football officials
2. Vegetables, especially tomatoes
2. Me, but only when I try to talk him into getting orthodontics
1. Mornings
Indeed, his "Not Love" list is much shorter than his "Love" list. To that effect, here are a few pictures of something Jeremy loveslovesloves: Duke basketball. Earlier this summer, we jaunted off to
The Triangle for a dear friend's wedding. This afforded us lots of QT at Duke Chapel, and several
Locopops, which are were so cold they didn't melt or drip
at all in the scorching July sun. How do those Duke geniuses do it? We also made a stop in Krzyzewskiville, visited our pals Ray and Tina and their new little buddy, Ray Jr, and brunched with the lovely Karen, Rex, and Noelle, my old friends from my UT days.
Ahhh, brunch. My favorite meal.

Hi, we're the Tsengs and we're adorable.

The happy couple. They hosted a fabulous reception at the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science...

...but first they said their vows at Duke Chapel

So handsome

"Stop making me pose, Kara."

Old school.
Duke University has lovely, peaceful campus. We toured the Sarah P. Duke gardens before our flight home. We spent most of our time in the well-manicured Terrace Garden and also enjoyed the frosty air-conditioning at the idyllic Terrace Cafe. This cute stone cottage had icy bottled water and a cute collegiate working the register. It was a great afternoon.
(Jeremy at the reception in the Apollo Test Module)
Happy Anniversary, darling. You are out of this world.