I was sitting in bed, sans Jeremy, listening to all the fireworks outside, in an empty house with a quivering dog. I was thinking, "Next year, we'll watch fireworks together, and live in the same town together, with jobs we love and money in the bank. Next year we'll both go to the gym, and we'll go to church every Sunday--no, twice, once to his Baptist church and once to St. Mary's--and I'll start a BUNCO group and Stamp again..and we'll get a Dinner Club going...once this and that gets settled and we get to where we are supposed to be, its all going to be so much better..."
But then Aarti and her blog crossed my path (She's a contestant on Food Network's Next Big Star), and her words really struck me. I will cut and paste:
(from www.aartipaarti.com)
"I’ve always thought that the first, vital step in cultivating your relationship with God, no matter what your religious/spiritual persuasion, is surrender. You have to get perspective, and realise how small and powerless you are, that your life has been guided through peaks and valleys through very little effort of your own, and that you can do even less to affect your future. Surrender involves not only throwing yourself at God’s feet in act of humility and giving over, but it also involves being willing to accept whatever cards God deals you, trusting that He has your back."
So, after reading that, I decided to open the blinds and watch those fireworks. I phoned a friend and we joined her husby's gym, and I remembered to trust the Lord, and love the life that He's given me today.