For the past three days, in anticipation of "Twilight Day" at the office, I have fully immersed myself into Twilight culture. This involved:
One Barnes & Noble Clearance table. I cleared it out of Twilight hats and novelties.
Two Twilight Movies, watched, in chronological order with sister Kiki. You could say marathon, if you like.
Three Hot Topic stores scanned for the perfect merchandise. Yikes.
The kids are alright...aren't they?
Four Wikipedia Searches: Renesmee Cullen, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black. Yes, I could have actually read the books, but I am too busy right now to lose 3 days of my life finishing them...which I have seen occur to many a friend once they've started the series. They barely even stop reading to eat. Or else food no longer interests them, like the vampire characters they read of.
Five yummy snacks: Bella's Bloody Bites (red velvet cupcakes), Jacob's Kibbles and Bits ( Brownies and Chex Muddy Buddies), Cullen Candy (red and black licorice), Bones and Blood (Chips and Salsa) and lots of takeout Indian food...ya, too hard to flip Lamb Curry into witty Twi-hard banter.

It was a fun day. (I'm really selling it in this last picture, aren't I?) But, truth is, I had been, and maybe am still, sitting on the Twilight Saga fence. You know, the occult and all that...not healthy for young minds. LOTS of young minds--its bordering on national obsession. And that type of thing can never be 100% good, but I guess its better than getting your pop culture from Ke$ha. What happened to teenagers reading a little Hemingway or Steinbeck? And so, a cynic I became.
But! Then I learned that Edward made Bella WAIT UNTILL THEY WERE MARRIED to do the deed.
That, in and of itself, should make this required reading for all high school girls. Let them swoon and fall in love with Edward. Let them wish they were each his Bella...and have them each follow suit and abstain in one pure example of generational teenage idolatry actually creating something GOOD.
I thought the same thing! I was so glad to see they included that in the movie although, I don't know that the girls in the audience were actually hearing anything but their own inward screems and sighs at that part. I already loved the books (yes, I was one of those 3 dayers) and was really happy with how the movie came out. Now, how they are going to do the absolute WEIRDness in the 4th book is beyond me.
Not a bad series. It's no Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter or Dark Tower, though--the writing is not nearly as strong and the plot is less believable. I didn't lose a month of my life to finish the books--they're not that compelling in my opinion. I actually like the movies a little better. Regardless, I like trying to stay on top of pop culture, so it they were worth reading, and I found the end semi-satisfying.
I too am a fan of the chaste message. And Stephanie Meyer is a Mormon! You know how I love Mormons. Great literature it is not, but boy does it make for great escapism. P.S. You guys are such dorks (and I say that in the most affectionate was possible!)
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