Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Farewell, Facebook.

A good way to pay more attention to your blog is to delete your Facebook page.

Its true. I just did that very thing this morning before work. And now, look at me, all dizzy with blogging fever. Really, I just couldn't take it anymore. I was ALWAYS checking into the Facebook newsfeed. Then I would check it on my phone a few minutes after putting my laptop away. I will miss reconnecting with old college pals. I will miss interesting bits of news provided by more socially conscious friends. I will miss the birthday reminders! I will miss proselytizing my own interests in a series of "likes" and "links." Facebook certainly fed my inner craving for the totally instantaneous random anything; but the craving was becoming an addiction.

Welcome back, evening hobbies! Welcome back, comfortable carpal tunnels. Welcome back, near vision! Facebook is heretofore not a part of my life. See, I am not so good at subtle restraint or self-control--I'm much better at total annihilation. Broad strokes, my friends. So delete-sies went my Facebook page, its time consumption, and all those compromising photographs of me on a birthday party pubcrawl. Whew.

Unless, of course, you read my blog.

It was really good time. Happy Birthday, Nicki! :)


Unknown said...


Kara, does this mean that I've won the "Get Becky to join Facebook" battle? Muahahaha!


timthetoothman said...

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