Friday, January 28, 2011

High Hopes for the this Weekend:

1. Homemade bread pudding tastes as good as the recipe sounds.

2. Headache goes away STAT!

3. House hunting on Saturday is inspiring. That we find a house that is already perfect, affordable, and will remain on the market for another 6 months for when we are ready to buy it. Is that too much to ask?

4. Husband/wife personal training session with Vaughn isn't too disabling. Seriously, this gym is like NASA, and we are so not ready for that!

5. Hearing another great message and meeting a few more friends at Linworth Baptist.

1 comment:

Kaye said...

Ooo, training session. I am jealous! The Wellness Center has trainers, but they're not pushy, in your face trainers. That's what I want--a Jillian Michaels. Let me know how it goes!