Not one, but five baby showers.
That's the generosity equivalent of Monsoon season.
The first was my mother's and sister Kelly's doings. A surprise day of fun in Perrysburg for Kiki and me. We were bestowed with lots of diapers, toys, clothes, "spa products" -- aka Johnson's Baby Wash and Lotion -- and a manicure at the
Venetian! Not only did I get one of the better manis of my life there, mom's nail tech was wise enough to scold her in his Vietnamese accent to
"Stop picking at your pinky nail or I will be very angry the next time you come in here" as his lady coworkers nodded simultaneously in agreement. Oh mom and her neuroses about her wonky tooth and stumpy pinky fingernails. The woman has 9 healthy fingernails and yet that one looks like it came out of Chernobyl.
My perfect mani...back when my rings still fit... |
On of many gift packs of diapers & wipes! |
Eston's Cake. No P-burg party is complete without one. |
Monday morning decaf and mani looking fresh as a daisy! |
My second shower was a HUGE SURPRISE, hosted by dear high school bestie friendie, Amy. This shower could be described as "Pregnancy Hormones Get the Best of Kara" as I sobbed hysterically through most of the night. Only happy tears. I'm not talking about a cute weepy moment; no, this was the "ugly cry" usually reserved for episodes of Oprah and "A Baby Story." Nine of my high school friends hauled their cookies up to Powell from the Fort to celebrate babies, lasagne, and delicious Italian soda.
Twas a great night. No pictures of me because my eyes are all swollen shut. Not cute.
But guess what WAS cute? The surprise shower from my night clinic buddies at Children's! And this, after me being so grumpy and ungrateful during those 12-hour Tuesday shifts. So undeserving.
Most of the night clinic gang! Love 'em. |
I love Rhonda, too. Can't wait till Baby MoMo is old enough for her to babysit. |
Happy to report the Morris family did not waste a SINGLE leftover cupcake! |
Tiffiene, master of ceremonies! |
Break room all decked out for Baby MoMo. |
It was a great night. We still had to see patients, which was fine, because there was lots of queso dip to enjoy in between...
Highlights from Shower #4 - "The Shower of the Century" and #5 "Plain City Party Time" up next! Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Looks like you're being pampered just as you deserve!! And hopefully all the stuff coming home isn't overwhelming you like it did me - after Aidan's showers I totally freaked out about where to put everything, espeically since some of it was stuff we wouldn't be using for a while. Trust me, you can figure it out later!! Thinking of you these days and can't wait to hear the good news!!
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