Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Ah...the new year. I loathe the month of January as it is dark, barren of holidays, and 31 days long. The beloved scents and scenes of last month are now stale and begging to be placed back into their basement boxes. 

But! If I get a kick out of anything, its a fresh start. As much as dislike January,  I adore making New Year's resolutions, taking serious time in the last days of December to contemplate and most importantly, write them down. Even better, this process involves one of my other great loves: making lists. 

Here goes for 2010:

1. The obligatory weight loss resolution: I resolve to do some type of physical activity two times a week. That's twice as much as last year's weekly output. Wait, two times zero is still zero. Nevermind.

2. Read the daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, together with my husband. We'll be creating our own little book club for daily spiritual food. Additionally, I am attempting to blog about my Christian faith more. 

3. Remember more birthdays and anniversaries with phone calls and cards, handmade or otherwise. I am really, really bad at this. I am ashamed to report that it was my own MOTHER'S forgotten birthday that spurred this into existence. Sorry, mom. 

4. Watch more movies with Jeremy and read more books in the evenings...instead of mindless channel flipping and Facebook.  TV exceptions include: the Food Network, the Travel Channel's No Reservations, and Thursday night NBC. :)

5. Make our bed every day. 

6. This one is going to be the toughest. You know the word tithe? So it means 10%. We are resolving to get a lot closer to that number in our weekly church offerings. Gulp.  


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