Thursday, December 25, 2014

It really is...

...a wonderful life. 

This Christmas will go down in the books as one of the best ever! Just add toddler for a joyous holiday season. 
...and marshmallows!

Christmas is for Kids

But adults are the real winners. 

Merry Christmas!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Congratulations, JerBear

Today, my husband met his billable hours requirement. This is a badge of honor for lawyers. Good job, honey!

He met his requirements, even though I made him come home early last Friday, because our babysitter had to leave early, too.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blue Steel

Cold as ice, Samantha Jane Morris.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jimmer is Two!

Yes, the coolest cat in town is two. Time flies. Jimmer loves peas with a little ranch dressing, milk and the venerable cookie. 

We love Jimmer pulling on our hands to show us something, his affectionate head butts, and his love of reading stories before bed. We love reading stories, too!

Samantha loves Jimmer's big hugs and hand squeezes. Most of the time. 

Happy birthday, James! You are the sweet in our tea and the pie of our eyes. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


So sorry, 2014 has been a bloggy dead zone...

And truth is, I'm not really engaging in any new commitments. Just the usual things.

1. Keeping Jimmer out of the pond. 

2. Teaching Samantha about puffs.

3. Keeping the boss happy with an occasional dinner.

And all the usual dentistry stuff, too.

This year, for Lent, I gave up purchasing myself anything material. Exclusions include food and drink and work-relate necessities.

I'm doing good! Its kind of relieving to go to the mall and realize that everything is off limits. There is some stress involved with the stress of the unnecessary purchase. 

And I just don't have time for that.

Ain't nobody got time for that. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Samantha Politely Declines:

Cold breastmilk
Cold formula
Breastmilk/formula combinations of any kind, at any temperature
Reheated formula
Any formula other than Alimentum
The last two ounces of a bottle of any fluid or size, no matter how hungry she seemed at first 
Applesauce at the end of a meal

But she does love kisses. :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

There is Nothing Worse

...than trying to be a good parent when you are sick.

And your husband is away for two days for work.

And you are scared to sleep in your house alone.

So you don't sleep well, and like I said, you're sick.

And your darling minions are up early and full of energy and need mama.

And you have a work day with a sitter prepared and a big long list of things to catch up on.

But all you want to do is sleep.

And you are stuck at a Panera with the slowest WiFi you've ever seen.

But you can't go home because, well, the minions.

There is nothing worse.

Except for hyperbole.