Sunday, August 1, 2010

I had the best post.

I had a 500-word post written about my upcoming move. It was moving and eloquent and lovely and I just lost it to internet limbo. 

Now I'm too tired to rewrite it. 

Try try again, tomorrow, I guess. 


The Stoycheffs said...

I've had that happen a rediculous number of times. Once I posted an entire post about struggles with Aidan on the wrong blog (I used to have one that was mainly photos of him for the school kids and Alex's work folks) and didn't realize it for a week. The word "weaning" was in there a few times, unfortunatley. But it was after most of them stopped reading it. Anyway, you'll get it back, and if not, at least you went through the process, which is kind of what this is really about 90% of the time :)

Holly said...

That's are going to leave me hanging like that...