Thursday, May 19, 2011

No Spring Chicken

Last night Peanut had a prolonged seizure.

I know she had a seizure disorder even before I met her. The nice lady at her kennel was very upfront about Peanut's health problems, but we loved our sweet doggie anyway. Like, really love her. She is our most favorite thing. We lead simple lives here in the Morris family.

Peanut's seizures usually last about two minutes. It looks like her whole body is cramping. She doesn't make any noise. She has never lost control of her bowels, which is surprising considering Peanut loses continence at inappropriate times, say, every other week.

*It has been 9 days since our last major workplace accident*

Last night's seizure was more like ten minutes. I was getting nervous and thinking about the expired DiaStat I had in the basement. Status epilepticus?

But Peanut slowly recovered, thankfully, and was back to herself soon afterward. This morning we snuggled in bed, and she has been eating and drinking normally, which is a huge relief.

I know she's getting older, and that's hard. She's aging faster than I am. She sleeps away most of the day, and I notice some white fur around her nose and eyes that wasn't there before.
I worry about Peanut getting older, getting arthritis, getting gray fur, getting congestive heart failure and getting sick. But most of all I worry that she's getting something of her life; I worry that Peanut is happy. Maybe I'm just projecting.

Not that we're going down that road just yet, but having children is going to be challenging stuff.

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