Sunday, November 18, 2012

30 Thankful Things

Lots of my pals on Facebook are doing this "30 Days of Thankful" challenge.  I am a little late, so I'm going to try and pound out thirty all at once, right now. I will tell you at the end of the post how long that took me to come up with all of them.




1. Jeremy. He is an amazing father and a thoughtful husband. He is the calm, kind and patient to my distracted, flaky and flighty.
2. Faithful for my faith in Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father. Need I say more?
3. Reliable transportation
4. Healthy baby who is pretty mellow most of the time
5. Not one, but technically three jobs that I love. (does that count as three thankful things?)
6. Two-part harmony. I love two-part harmony, especially in country songs. See: Tim McGraw's "Angry All the Time" and anything by Big and Rich.
7. Warm things like down comforters
8. Soft things like rabbit fur vests.
9. Peanut!
10. The fact I don't have any food allergies.
11. My family's freedom from want. We don't need to have a grocery budget. Although maybe we should.
12. I am not that big of a Browns fan. Heaven help those that are.
13. I have been blessed to have several amazing female role models. In no particular order: my mother (who does it all and looks good doing it...always smiling) my older sister Kelly (who is busy as a bee and complains even less than my mother, if that's even possible) my friend Megann, (who manages to to work full time in an incredibly demanding professional job and simultaneously is a wonderful wife and mother and also finds time to stamp on a regular basis), and also my friend and spiritual mentor Deb Splaingard (such a wise woman, I was blessed the day she came into my life!)
14. Baby bath time and delicious slippery roly-poly babies
15. My ability to help children and families in a small way during my day as a pediatric dentist.
16. When I was in high school I was encouraged to have a real job. I worked at a convenience store. I had to work with a lot of different types of people, and lots of interesting people spend time at gas stations and convenience stores. That prepared me well for my current place in life.
17. Right now, I'm digging our church, Linworth Baptist, and the new friends we have found there
18. I am thankful that I have all of my Thanksgiving grocery shopping done already.
19. I am thankful that I have some of my Christmas shopping and decorating done.
20. I am thankful to have a mother that has an unreasonably busy personality. She is such a doer. Said mom helped me decorate my foyer for Christmas last week...I kind of wanted to wait, but she was all, "No, lets do it now, we have the time." I'm 99% sure I would have never gotten the decorations up at all had we not done it then.
21. I am thankful I have two days off -- although I make up for them evenings and Saturdays. Having two weekdays to grocery shop, buy diapers, wash cars, saves us so much weekend time. Also its wonderful spending days with James while he is young.
22. I am thankful for our son's daycare, Northwest Christian Child Care. They ladies in James' room are  so friendly, so helpful, and also have done a wonderful job. I know James would not be the sweet little soul that he is were it not for their input.
23. I am thankful that I can cook. I love cooking nice meals for my husband, family and friends.
24. I am thankful that my father had a great work ethic. I am thankful that he spent much of his life coaching, giving away his spare time to help improve the lives of kids in our town.
25. I am thankful I grew up in Fort Loramie, land of good stewardship and all things Catholic, Republican, hard-working, and cautious. It was and is a great place to live and grow.
26. USA! USA! USA!
27. I am thankful for my bible study, Bible Study Fellowship. I have learned so much about the bible, and met wonderful women along the way.
28. I love our neighbors and neighborhood. Our neighbors to the east, Mike and Jackie Flowers, pretty much are the best neighbors you could ask for. They are the type of folks who roll down the window and say hello at 7:00am, instead of just waving. We are the young folks on the block, and people are generally so interested in James and how we are doing.
29. I am thankful we decided to become parents. I won't lie, we weren't 100% sure that we were going to love this experience, but we figured we liked the idea of children enough that we should give it a shot. Frankly, its the best decision we ever made.
30. Our little James.
31. (why not!) My blog. Thank you Kelly for encouraging me to get it back in action.

(That took me about an hour, with a small hiatus for diaper blowout and subsequent bath)

1 comment:

Megann said...

I love this post! Now I feel even guiltier for neglecting my blog.