Tuesday, January 28, 2014

There is Nothing Worse

...than trying to be a good parent when you are sick.

And your husband is away for two days for work.

And you are scared to sleep in your house alone.

So you don't sleep well, and like I said, you're sick.

And your darling minions are up early and full of energy and need mama.

And you have a work day with a sitter prepared and a big long list of things to catch up on.

But all you want to do is sleep.

And you are stuck at a Panera with the slowest WiFi you've ever seen.

But you can't go home because, well, the minions.

There is nothing worse.

Except for hyperbole.

1 comment:

The Stoycheffs said...

Hang in there lady!! I hear you, and I hope you get some sleep tonight. Count down the hours until your dear hubby is home and celebrate each hour that you have survived as being one hour closer!! There are weeks where your success as a Mommy is counted by just surviving and keeping the kids alive!!