Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Dyson's Maiden Voyage

So among other things this cold, sicky, sleety weekend, Jeremy and I ventured out to spend the last of our wedding giftcards. While last weekend we made a trip to fabulous Crate & Barrel for the same reason, this weekend we found ourselves at the slightly less sophisticated but equally useful Lowe's, in South Point, Ohio. 

On the docket: One Dyson Vacuum

You know the Dyson vacuum guy from TV? Who schlepps his yellow, over-styled, Flowbee-esque vacuum with that sexy British accent: 

"Its the first vacuum that never looses suction. Evah."

Dreamy. So, as I have been jonesing for the Dyson for years now, and am finding myself in charge of a two-and-a-half story home with lots of carpeting, I felt perfectly justified in the purchase.

Jeremy? Not so much. Though I gave him fair warning ("This is an expensive vacuum, Jeremy...its like the Mercedes-Benz of vacuums..."), after looking at the hefty price tag, he felt the sudden need to take a load off on a nearby demo barstool. At least it wasn't a commode. 

Much to my delight and with only a sprinkle of sarcasm, darling hubby greenlighted the purchase anyway, and I spent Sunday lovingly vacuuming the whole house.  With a smile on my face. I even moved the dining room table chairs to get under the table and everything. What pleasure I take in menial tasks these days.

I think I need to get out more. 

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