Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You Can Do Hard Things

Dear Holly:

I know tomorrow is a big day. I am worried, too. But I am right there behind you through all of it, and our Heavenly Father is, too. He knows what's going on. We will, too, one day.

I will paint your toenails and not tell anyone how weird you talk when you are sedated. I will tolerate your husband's sarcasm. We Schafer's seem to get that honest.

I will also be there on the other side of these crazy days, my beautiful Italian sister. I love you.

Send prayers out to this wonderful lady, blogosphere!


Holly said...

So, I cried ALL day yesterday...and was doing so good today, until I read your blog. Thank you! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE you! Thank you for loving me thru all the crazies and non-crazies (wish I had more non-crazies)

Shelly said...

Saw this and thought of you, Kara! I would have left it on your facebook, but.... ;P