Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Resolutions:

This year, my resolutions are simpler than last. Its "U - M - O" for 2011, which stands for "Utilization, Motivation and Organization." You can take the girl out of cheerleading, but you can't take the cheerleading out of the girl...

Utilize: To make use of; turn to practical use or account

This year for the Morris family, utilization means we are moving to make better use of the things we already have at our disposal. I am freely acknowledging that our spending, whilst within our means, is getting a bit thoughtless. For instance, I am sure I have thrown away over $20 in spoiled cheese since Thanksgiving, and I know I have over a hundred dollars in unused gift cards laying about the house. I can't even contain the items I own in the house I have. Careless and poor stewardship!

Tonight I kicked off my resolution revolution by UTILIZING coupons from the Sunday paper. Specifically, I limited myself to purchasing FIVE items at the grocery store for which I had no coupons or in-store discounts.

Specifically, that amounted to: butter, a Command adhesive hook, brown rice, bananas, and Neutrogena face wipes.

After purchasing those items and then all my other, discounted, groceries, I saved $45.19. That was over 30% off my total bill! And I have a fridge full of food and two cases of Slim-Fast to show for it! Hooray!

To add to that, I learned shopping with coupons takes at least three times as long as ordinary grocery shopping, so now there is no time for loafing on the couch on grocery day...here I am, UTILIZING my time more wisely! ;) Har har har...

In all seriousness, better utilization of my time is a major Kara Morris goal for 2011. Let's be honest, I have a lot more time on my hands than a year ago...do I have much to show for it? Not really. So let's do better with that in 2011, Mrs. Morris!

Lastly, we are also increasing our utilization by starting an investment plan, making our credit cards and savings plans work harder for us, and trying utilize the clothes, shoes, and kitchen equipment we already have. AKA: Avoiding frivolous trips to the mall and making a conscious effort to pare down our junkie-status dining out habit.

It sounds like a major buzz-kill, but I'm actually very MOTIVATED to see how much we can save in 2011. Who knows, there may be a down payment on a new house in our future!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo-hoo! Coupon queen! Next, you can play my "Coupon Game," where you win if your total saved ends up being greater than your total spent. (Hard to do at grocery stores; easier to do at CVS/Walgreens, when you stock up on toiletries and such).