Saturday, April 21, 2012

Go, Kiki, GO!

My little sister, Kristin, is simultaneously pregnant with her first munchkin, just like us in the Morris family. Her due date is April 24, which means if all goes as planned, Baby Miller is going to win the arrival race by a nose. It may even be a photo finish.

(Kiki and the lovely Eliza)

As the app on my phone tells me, we are both 39 weeks preggie.

Except she is still coaching track and field at Ft. Loramie Jr. High School. She has practice every night after work, then meets on weekends! I can barely work up motivation to walk to the mailbox...

And this on top of working full time.

And going for long walks with her doggie, Fiona.

And writing the promptest thank you notes humanly possible. Puts me to shame.

While I am just content to enjoy all the pie and Doritos I can procure.

Its a sprint to the finish, Kiki! Get your stopwatch out! You can do it! I love you and am so proud to be the big sister of such a beautiful mommy-to-be.

1 comment:

Kelly Rindler said... are both beautiful! Can't wait to meet the new babies...waiting for you girls has been harder than waiting for my own!